Senin, 03 Februari 2020

English interview vlog

Name:- Panji Iman Sujatmiko (31)
            - Azariya Gerhard (13)

P: "Hello, today we will interview the committee of edu-passion. Good morning"
N: "Good morning!"
P:"Sorry for disturbing your time. May i ask you some question? "
P: "First, What Is edu passion?"
N:"Edu passion is an event which purpose is to introduce the university to the 12th grade."
A:"What is the purpose of this event?"
N:"The main goal of this event is to provide as much information about university as possible to the 12th grade. It also helps to motivate them."
P:"Why this year's edu passion is named Daryaskara?"
N:"Daryaskara was taken from two words, 'daryas' mean grow, and 'kara' mean light. So, we hope students of 3 senior highschool will grow into the light"
A: "What are the activities of the event?"
N:" There are activities of this event like, university bazaar, university presentation, and other activities"
P:"What do you hope for next edu passion ?"
N:"  I hope next edu passion will be better than this year"
P:" ok, thank you. This all from us. Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh"