Senin, 20 Januari 2020

The Crane Wife

The Crane Wife

there was a poor man who was a woodcutter. One day, he came across a crane which got caught in a hunter’s trap. Out of pity, he help it to get out from the trap. When the crane was released, it looked at him before flying away.

Days later, a beautiful woman came to his humble home and shyly asked him to marry her. He was dumbstruck, but he was lovestruck too, because the woman was very, very beautiful, so he agreed to marry her the next day.
Their first days of being married was quite hard and awkward, because of the fact that they’ve just met recently and that they were very broke. The man tried to work twice as hard, but his starving body could only handle so much.
His wife saw this, and so one day, she asked him to buy her some thread, even just the cheap ones, because she wanted to make some fabric to sell.
The man agreed, and when he handed her the thread, she told him that she will lock herself in her room while making the fabric, and he must promise not to look inside.
The next day, she came out and handed him a roll of the most beautiful fabric he had ever seen. She told him to sell in the market for a high price. He was a bit confused, but he obeyed.
He took the fabric to the market and people marveled at its beauty. Soon, people were offering large sums of money for the fabric. That day, he happily came home with a sack full of money. He and his wife lived well from that day onward.
The news of the beautiful fabric reached the Emperor in no time. He ordered the man to bring him some every week, in exchange for money.
It was the Emperor who asked, so the man felt obliged to comply. He was having second thoughts about asking his wife to make more fabric, but before he could even ask her, she told him that she would make more fabric so that her husband would not appear like he was dishonoring the Emperor, and because she loved him so much. Again, she made him promise not to look inside her room while she was making the fabric.
Every week, the man exchanged the marvelous fabric for gold with the Emperor. He got richer and richer. Meanwhile, he also noticed that his wife was getting paler and weaker every week, sometimes even in pain. It was all very mysterious, and he was itching to know the truth.
One night, while his wife was making fabric, he unlocked her door and peeked inside. He was very shocked with what he saw.
Sitting in front of the loom was a winged creature, half woman, half crane. It was his wife. She was painfully plucking her own feathers and making it into fabric.
She looked around and was surprised to see her husband. She cried, “This is why I didn’t want you to see me making the fabric. I am ashamed because I know that a creature like me cannot live with a human like you. I will be forever thankful to you for saving me from that trap, and please also remember that I will always love you as a wife.”
With these words, she transformed fully into a crane and flew out of the house and disappeared.
Days passed, and the man waited for her to come home, but he never saw her again. He was no longer poor, but he was alone.

1. "...she transformed fully into a crane ..."
  the word below that has the closest meaning to the underlined word is...
A. Still
B. Constantly
C. Turned
D. evolved
E. Cursed

2. "she asked him to buy her some thread, even just the cheap ones, because she wanted to make some fabric to sell."

if the above sentence is converted into a direct sentence, then the most appropriate direct sentence is
A. she asked him "to buy her some thread, even just the cheap ones, because she wanted to make some fabric to sell."
B. "Dear, can you buy me a few strands of thread? Even a cheap one is fine. I want to make some fabric and sell it."  ask his wife.
C. Dear, can you buy me a few strands of thread? Even a cheap one is fine. I want to make some fabric and sell it."  ask her husband. 
D. She asked her husband "buy her some thread, even just the cheap ones, because she wanted to make some fabric to sell."
E. all choices are correct

3. The main idea of second paragraph is
A.  A beautiful woman came to his home and shyly asked him to marry her. 
B. The woman was very, very beautiful.
C. Their first days of being married was quite hard and awkward.
D.   He agreed to marry her the next day.
E. The man tried to work twice as hard, but his starving body could only handle so much.

4. from the story above, we know that the character of the wife is...
A. greedy and willing to sacrifice
B. smart and lazy
C. Good and wise
D. Greedy and lazy
E. good and willing to sacrifice

5.The moral message that can be taken from the story is yourself, believe yourself
B. revenge will only bring another revenge
C. don't get angry easily, think calmly
D. having lots of money doesn't always make you happy, but we also need people we care about
E. Thankful for what we have


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