Sabtu, 05 Oktober 2019

Red Spider Lily

Red spider Lily or in its scientific language Lycoris radiata is a native flower from Korea, China and Nepal.  Then this flower entered Japan, then America, and spread throughout the world.  It is considered naturalized in the Seychelles and in the Ryukyu Islands. This flower usually blooms from late summer to early fall.

Kingdom: Plantae
Superdivision: Embryophyta
Divisio: Tracheophyta
Subdivisions: -Spermatophyta
Order: Asparagales
Family: Amaryllidaceae
Subamilia: Amaryllidoideae
Tribus: Lycorideae
Genus: Lycoris
Species: Lycoris radiata

Red Spider Lily is a perennial bulbous.  It normally flowers before the leaves fully appear, on stems 30-70 centimeters tall.  The leaves are parallel-sided, 0.5–1 centimeters wide with a central stripe paler.  The red flowers are arranged in umbels.  Individual flowers are irregular, with narrow segments which curve backwards, and long projecting stamens. The flowers and leaves of this plant are never seen together because the leaves only grow after the flowers wilt.

This flower has a very poisonous bulb.  Therefore, these flowers are usually planted in rice fields, houses, or graves with the intent to repel pests.  In Japan the red spider lily signals shūbun, the arrival of fall.  This flower symbolizes death and separation.


1. Red spider lily usually blooms in...
a. Late spring to early summer
b. Late winter to early spring
c. Late fall to early winter
d. Late Summer to early fall
e. every season

2. Red spider lily is native flower from...
a. Korean, china, french
b. Gemany, french, United states
c. Germany, nepal, China
d. United states, japan, china
e. Korean, china, nepal

3. Order of red spider lily is...
a. Asparagales
b. Amaryllidaceae
c. Amarylidoideae
d. Plantae
e. Lycorideae

4. this flower is a symbol of...
a. Happyness
b. Miracle and impossible
c. Death and separation
d. Friendship and love
e. Grateful

5. the statements below that do not fit the text is...
a. This flower has a very poisonous bulb.
b. Red Spider Lily is a perennial bulbous.
c. This flower symbolizes death and separation.
d. In Japan the red spider lily signals shūbun, the arrival of fall.
e. The leaves are parallel-sided, 1–1.5 centimeters wide with a central stripe paler.


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